i forget things
i can't tell you how many times i am driving (ahem being driven) down the highway or am walking in a mall or am reading something and i exclaim 'oh i am so going to blog that!' ... something funny i've just thought of or i've just seen and then i immediately forget it. i have in recent days COMPLETELY forgotten what it is i am looking for whilst in the act of looking. i think my brain might be beginning its degeneration process.
it's worrying. i might need to start making lists. i'll be that sad sad girl walking around with a notebook and a pen shouting 'cease the fun! i need a moment to write down in point form this very important anecdote so that people (the majority of whom will actually be with me when i yell 'cease the fun .... 'etc) can read about it!'. sad
shaks... what did i say on thursday that i wanted to blog? ... i told you, do you remember?
i have been tagged by tom. but, unfortunately, the mozilla firefox we use at work does not copy and paste and i cannot remember how to do it 'manually' because i did not pay a single second of attention during my year of computer science (i went through a crazy phase in grade 11 when i took 9 subjects instead of 6 and didnt really pay attention in any of them... good times) so i am going to do it later. i am too lazy to rewrite it all.
i cried 2 days straight at work. i have had an awful time! i have (in my opinion) been both verbally and racially abused and discriminated against and i am planning to take action against it. i never cry. never. not because i try be hard core or anything, but simply because i have a pretty tough skin... but this week has been horrid. everyone is saying i should quit. no. i will stand up for myself. and i am being told i am 'difficult' and have an 'attitude' when all it really is is the fact that nobody else ever stands up for themselves and so voicing one's own rights is seen as undermining 'authority'. well, i'm sorry. i will NOT back down. i need rent money. and i am not going to go find another job when i know i am leaving in june anyway and, besides training for something new in the beginning of masters, i would hate leaving people in the lurch. so here i am. being 'stubborn' as some have said ... in my head? - i know the 'authority' here will make my life difficult for the next 6 months... but it's tit for tat and i can make theirs just as difficult! and get paid an hourly rate for it! paid pig headedness.
i will not be bullied or trampled on.
you go girl!! you stand up for your rights! and you write things down in order to remember them! and just to add to the poland thing..Joseph Conrad and Marie Curie can go on the list.
love ya
it has indeed been a horrible week at work. we work with complete neanderthalls people! WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE!!
i'm commenting on your blog even tho i don't like to....
Shawni made me keep on saying "high frequency" on thursday night, if that makes you feel better about saying random things repetitively.
I agree with your non-giving up attitude just be careful that they don't find reason to fire you whilst you are making their life difficult.
Look how someone used your blog to advertise (and you don't know them!)
k, nice chat, see you out there!
i was spammed!!!!!!!!!!!!
"and i am being told i am 'difficult' and have an 'attitude' when all it really is is the fact that nobody else ever stands up for themselves and so voicing one's own rights is seen as undermining 'authority'."
i can so completely relate to this statement. well done, you in standing up for yourself. if more people had your 'attitude' the world be a better place. all the best in your stand!
hi se
I am sorry i am part of the "everyone who is telling you to quit" I cant help it...its not even just trying to be argumentative! ;) Its just that i personally dont believe that staying at a job that makes you cry is worth it just to prove a point. I do understand the other reasons (rent, not wanting to have to find another job now) I just dont want to see you unhappy over stupid idiots in a book store mainly since your life's ambition is not to work in a book store.
oh well, I hope you sort it out.
Love ya;)
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