The Ab Fab Life

an ab fab life is one where you survive most days defying your accident prone-ness and leave your bones unbroken, where you eat ice cream and where oprah doesn't talk about something really dumb, but gives away free stuff instead this is my ab fab-ness ;)

Saturday, January 06, 2007

what to do what to do what to do

help me

what do you do when someone you really love and admire as she is a lovely person and so smart and funny and she is dating a complete twat?!?

i dont want to say anything, i guess, as we arent THAT close (we dont phone each other up every day and discuss our dreams and fears) and so i dont think i have enough of a swing vote or anything and i dont want to lose her as a friend

but WHY do people date twats? love is blind, yes, but surely NOT THAT blind

(and no i'm not being judgemental. he is a TWATTY PRAT. its scientifically proven)


Blogger Ryan said...

Maybe it has something to do with that little convo we had at bowls and still need to finish?

8:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The word twat is a pretty strong and foul word in the US. I'm not offended, in fact I laughed really hard. But, i'm just wonder if it carries the same strength and vulgarity in SA?

Let me know.

I hate people who are twats.

6:16 AM  
Blogger sarah said...

ry! i know! we need to finish that conversation... as soon as you're done with your exam (good luck!)

trav - ;) that's funny! in SA twat is a very mild insult... its only slightly higher than calling someone a monkey!

7:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


My internet has been down for forever!

I'm canning at your posts, haven't read the Suddam one yet, but i have an opinion so will read it later.

yay! i don't have a boyfriend, this can't be me!

personal advice, don't say anything unless he's cheating. She'll prob pick up that you don't like him. tricky!

love lots


1:15 PM  

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