pondering the possible mutation of my sanity
... i am scared because there is evidence that shows that there are certain traits that are easily passed from generation to generation, sometimes even becoming advanced along the lines of genetic mutations
SOME of my family members are crazy
i'm talking insane
well... bru.. ;)
you ARE already crazy.
so me thinks these things are genetic.
but don't worry, that's why you have me, cos us crazy peeps need to stick together..
"we go together, like rumalumalumpdipidoowupidup... together, forever, like booogiewoogieshoogiediwupidup... CHANG CHANG, CHANGIDIWAPCHUWAP, we'll always be like onnneeeee... wahhhhooo, YEAH"
Thats why you need your driver's licence - so you can get far away when you need to. Alternatively you could move to Japan :)
okay okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am TRYING to drive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
geez louise
Sorry, didn't realise it was a sore point. No more comments on that from me...
it sucks
i just have issues
don't be sorry, we all have issues - and now we get to blog about them :) its a good outlet.
Apparently there are a great number of psychological and physiological disorders that are heritable. Many may be highly deletarious but fear not Sarah! Your lack of sanity is perfect! You should only start to worry when you start biting people for no apparent reason. cough*Angela*cough ;p
You are crazy. That's why we love you (among other reasons)!
And a lot of the 'heritable' traits aren't really heritable, just your predisposition towards them is. So as long as we're around to keep you saneish I thin you'll be ok.
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