The Ab Fab Life

an ab fab life is one where you survive most days defying your accident prone-ness and leave your bones unbroken, where you eat ice cream and where oprah doesn't talk about something really dumb, but gives away free stuff instead this is my ab fab-ness ;)

Thursday, September 07, 2006


when i spoke about all of the rest of my brother's ex girlfriends being poppies, i forgot that the one was my dear friend Sarah #1's little sister Caitlin, who coincidentally, is also a friend of mine. and i would like to correct my earlier statement and say 'caitlin clerk is most definitely not a poppie" i just don't really think of her as mike's ex, rather as caity, a person.

this is them at cait's matric dance --- --- ---

--- --- --- and at some other place

just had to clear that up ;)

otherwise, i'm still writing my dissertation... i'm experiencing the difficulties that comes with being a semi-perfectionist... i generally hate everything i write, so i rewrite and rewrite until i'm so tired of looking at my own thoughts that i just hand it in so i don't need to see it anymore!

Had a few of the girls around last night (and Tom and Mike) and we watched a weird weird movie (vanny and i watched it for the second time) and i still don't understand it. It's called "I Heart Huckabees" and it is arb arb arb. I've stopped trying to get the message they're trying to send, but i think that might be the point... stop trying to understand... if anyone out there has seen it and understands it (ha ha i think you might be CRAZY if you do... kinda like if you can draw a perfect circle then you're supposedly cuckoo) then please let me know, i'd appreciate it. Oh - and i really don't like jude law. i mean, i'm usually the spokesperson for blonde people -they're dying out, we need to appreciate them while they're around. but not jude law.

that's all xx


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah, seems to be a big thing about beeing the firs to post a comment on your blog, is there a secret prize to win or something? :-)

Don't have any real comment to this post...or, good thing caitlin isn't a poppie anymore :-)

Tho i have no idea what the term poppie means, a google image search just gave me a fat cat, hehe

But you got a nice blog here sarah, will defenetly come back and read some more!
Have a nice day!

7:30 PM  
Blogger Helen said...

Wow Sarah, you're getting a hectic fan base! Care to define 'poppie' for us? I tried, but it's one of those things that's kind of hard to explain, but you know exactly what you mean if you know what I mean ;)

See you later!

11:25 PM  
Blogger sarah said...

hi toby from norway! ;)

ok, for you and other non-afrikaans speaking people ...

a poppie is an afrikaans slang word, directly translated it means a 'little doll' but we use it to describe people, girls really, who are very 'oh-my-god' ... wait... that didn't explain it much... um... its like a girl who tries too hard who wont get her hands dirty, the kind that would wear a bonnet as a hat... i'm confusing myself... anyone elso care to help me define 'poppie' ??

vanny? you should know ;) hee hee just kidding you're like the anti-poppie... vanessa's hands are always dirty!

2:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah! You said my hands are dirty! How could you?!!! I'm seriously contemplating not talking to you but then my day would be boring

2:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s a poppie is an irritating girl who generally spends too much time worrying about her appearance and boys and doesn't really have an opinion about anyone that isn't based on their clothes. She also generally flicks her hair a lot.

2:41 AM  
Blogger Helen said...

no names mentioned? hee hee
You forgot that she generally has a high-pitched annoying voice!

5:01 AM  

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