the rat pack keeps falling on my head
no matter how much prestick i stick on the frigging poster, the rat pack that hangs above my bed kept falling on my head in the middle of the night! and THEN, the clock off of my wall fell on me too. the inanimate objects in my room are becoming revolutionary. they must be stopped!
this post is to describe the amazement i feel for just how exciting shakti's life is. everyone always says 'good grief Sarah, your life is so exciting' which is such a lie... i attract weirdness. shakti attracts the adventure!
the other day shaks and her dad witnessed a smash and grab in front of them (for those of you non south africans, a smash and grab is an unfortunately common occuring act of crime whereby once you stop your car at a red robot - or traffic light whatever you may call it - a man shoves a brick or some sort of hard instrument through your window and steals your bags)
shaks' dad, being the gun-ho heroic type started driving their large and intimidating land rover truck thing AT the said criminal, being very careful not to hit the other car. the guy, panicking, then squeezed inbetween the cars and hightailed it off into the bushes. shaks, as she is prone to do when nervous, was giggling her head off
all of a sudden, a bakkie (a... um... what is a non afrikaaner word for bakkie... why can i not remember...a pick up? i think? anyway) stopped and a gun toting presumably afrikaans man lept out and ran after the guy, swinging his gun above his head like a cowboy
the car that had been attacked up and drove themselves away
and so shaks and her dad had to sit and wait for the crazy gun man to come back because by leaping out of his car, he had simply flung his door wide open, leaving the keys in the ignition and launched himself out at full speed
eventually he came back, look at shaks and her dad and drove away
now THAT is exciting and cements the fact that shakti's dad should be a member of the A-Team
ok bye!
wow, that's so exciting! That sort of thing never happens to me :(
Did the guy in the bakkie catch the smash&grabbers?
Woah...that is hectic! I really wouldn't descibe it as exciting, more scary!
yay! it was not fun! but i was laughing!ha ha ha. the almost smash and grabber got away. aw.
Hi se
I am sooooooooo glad that you finally quit, they treated you terribly and now you're on to better (albeit, more broke) times. ;) Love ya;)
Dear Sarah,
I miss you bunny.
Smash and grabbers like to use spark plugs to break windows, it is less heavy than a brick.
I think bakkies are called trucks. and trucks are called vans.
Look at me imparting knowledge.
happy about bookstore because it means when i don't have work at night, you wont have work AND therefore, we'd HAVE to do coffee or some equivalent.
love lots
WOOOHOO... just another fine day in Joburg! :)
Sorry, I'm non-south african. what is a rat pack? really. clueless. . .
yes, bricks, trucks, guns!! sounds fun! and the A-Team is cool, especially BA Baracus!!
dean martin? frank sinatra? really!
oooohhhhh. . .I got it.
sorry. yes I know THE Rat Pack but I wasn't sure if this was another SA word or something.
it all makes sense now. I was envisioning a small group of real rats above your head on a shelf in a small cage or something. or some little "dream-catcher" type thing.
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