The Ab Fab Life

an ab fab life is one where you survive most days defying your accident prone-ness and leave your bones unbroken, where you eat ice cream and where oprah doesn't talk about something really dumb, but gives away free stuff instead this is my ab fab-ness ;)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

on the fact that i am definitely flypaper for the odd

my ex boyfriend - yes, the one who everyone urged me to date thus flinging my commitment issues off the cliff because he was 'so lovely' and who then lied and cheated with his now ex best friends girlfriend like a (beware the coming stereotype) real man - and his family and his 'ho have been stalking me lately.

everywhere i go. its been a comedy of errors that must have come about of no other reason other than the fact that in a previous life i did something unspeakable to the gods.

today, his father came into the store and, after a hug and a 20 minute small talk conversation, he invited me to move into his house and look after the two little kids for 2 weeks whilst he jets to vietnam.

his son and i dont talk because i think he is closely related to the devil (albeit the dim witted relative) and his father invites me to move in?

the weird people just keep a'knocking

an aside : the goverment is flinging about the idea of bringing back conscription as a means to end violent crime... thoughts?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) His parents loved you when you guys were going out, and they still love you!!! Let's like totally move in, and have lovely tea parties in their fancy house. (just not that keen about the kids)

2) NOOOOOOOOOO CONSCRIPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even though I'm over the age, I shall run away. anyway, it would be unconstitutional, and so you would probably be able to successfully fight such a decision by the executive in the Con Court.

9:09 AM  
Blogger Triggermap said...

Its sucks to have evil people in your face all the time. Unless you carry a water gun with you...

Anyway, there might be a lesson in that - don't listen to your friends when picking a potential s.o. - you probably know whether he is right for you or not and if you are on the fence, take it slow until you can decide. But never date someone just because they are keen on you and everyone thinks you're a great couple. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, wasted 5 months of my life.

Regarding conscription, I'm sure it will be spun as civil community service, kind of like they have in Germany.

2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it'd be a great idea if we actually had the money to do it properly, like various NATO countries.

It'd be a mess in SA.

Still, as a degree holder I could join up and be an officer and get paid a decent amount :)

9:41 AM  
Blogger Angela said...

i had to google conscription. korea has that. all the men have to do two years of military service. i don't know if it lowers violent crime, but i know there's not a lot of violent crime there.

i don't know how it would work in south africa though. i think the country's situations are quite different.

you must be too kind too people...even when they are children of the devil. people trust you to like them even when they're completely nuts. i think it says good things about you. not that that makes it any easier...

6:05 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

only u se, only u... im with tom tho, tho i think cocktail parties not tea parties may be in order

just shout if u ever do need him taken out tho cos u know i hav my connections (even if 1 is an idiot asshole who was also so sweet and ur such a perfect couple nonsense).

point to be taken: all straight men are idiots with issues who should only be allowed to exist until us women find other more fun ways and means of procreatio(except luke of course)

5:40 AM  
Blogger Ryan said...

If I had failed last year I would have joined the army.
Conscription works wherever they want it to; they only have trouble with wayward boxers.

5:42 AM  

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